Nathalie Hollis

3 - 7 November 2021
Press release
Capturing the immediacy of the medium, Nathalie Hollis' drawings tread the careful line between chaos and composure, dictated by intuitive and moment-to-moment decision making. Lovers and fighters feature predominantly in Hollis’ most recent work; bodies lose their boundaries and transmute to new forms bound by both tension and softness. Some of Hollis’ larger works are heavily layered; the drawings beneath and above wrestle with each other allowing moments and bodies in time to collide and become whole. There is a physicality, near-ferocity in Hollis’ mark-making, with each strike acting as the pulse of the work, putting it into living motion. As an artist, Hollis is fixated with the body and how language is lodged inside of it, a vehicle of expression and a site of translation.
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